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Level Up Your Game
basketball shooting workouts
from pro coaches
basketball shooting workouts
from pro coaches
Our program
Our program includes 10 basketball workouts aimed at the comprehensive development of shooting skills. Regularly performing these workouts you will learn:

- to shoot three-pointers better
- increase your percentage of hits from all distances
- gain confidence in your free throw
- increase the distance of shots
- add new type of shots to your balance when shooting
- improve the feeling of the ball
Workshops performed by NBA players
  • Kevin Durant
  • Steve Nash
  • Steve Curry
We have analize the workouts that the best NBA shooters perform on a regular basis and are ready to provide them to you for execution!

Train like a PRO!
Steve Nash warm up
Steve Nash, a two-time MVP, performeda special shooting workout before each training session, which not only warmed up the player, but aslo pumped the types of shots necessary for his game. The 30-minute workout affects all aspects and the main areas of the legendary playe'rs shots.
Dynamic shooting warm up
Dynamic shooting warm up 2
Dynamic shooting warm up 3
Runners warm up
Hesi shooting
Post turn around shots
Hook shots
Elbow jump shots
Spin move into the shot
3 point shots
Step backs
Pick-b-Roll shooting
Long/NBA 3pt shooting
KD warm up
Kevin Durant is a two-time NBA champion, two-time MVP pf the finals series, one of the best scores in the history of basketball, before each game performs a workout associated with a sense of balance when shooting. In his workout there are many elements associated with jumps of 180 and 360 degrees, unstable movements that allow the player to be ready to shoot in any even the most difficult situation. This workout lasts 25 minutes, performing it, you will definitely feel more condifent with difficult shots!
Catch and shoot warm up
One-footed balanced shots
One-footed balanced shots w, a slide
One-footed balanced shots w, 2 slides
Inside foot pivot and shot
Outside foot pivot and shot
Half spin shot
Full inside pivot spin and shot
Double full inside pivot spin and shot
Open sted mid-range pull ups
Cross step mid-range pull ups
Rip thru jump shots
Catch and shoot warm up
One-footed balanced shots
One-footed balanced shots w,a slide
One-footed balanced shots w, 2 slides
Inside foot pivot and shot
Outside foot pivot and shot
30 min shooting workout
Shooting progression for advanced players. Start from midrange form-shooting and end with 3-point shoots test. Repeat this workout to improve your shooting ability and track progress in 3-point shoots.
Fat block bank shooting off the dribble
Elbow shooting
Elbow pull ups
5 Spot Midrange
Free throws + threes
Relocate shooting
25 3-pointers (5 positions)
Everyday vitamins
This quick basketball workout will help you to feel the ball before practice and improve shooting, dribbling and finishing! At the end of workout we have one of the best basketball shooting drills - Ray Allen drill from NBA Champion and one of the best shooters in basketball history! That's why we call it every day vitamins!
Basic form shooting
Quick taps
Quick taps ankle to ankle
Hard pounds
High hard pounds
Mikan Drill
Reverse Mikan drill
Hesi pull ups
Ray Allen drill
Free throws workout
Endlessly shooting free-throws shots can be boring for players, so we offer you four fun, but very effective drills that will improve the percentage of free throws! Record your records in the Level Up Basket App, in order to try to beat them at the next workout!
Challenging number of makes in a row
Free throw golf
Free throw biathlon
+5 more basketball shooting workouts for all levels
13 minutes shooting warmup
Best feel tha ball workout
Every shooter must do warmup
Improve balance and
shooting technique
Mid range shooting workout
Workout for advanced
mid range shooter
3-pt shooting warmup
Do it if you want to be a better shooter
All around workout
All in one: dribbling, finishing ans shooting!
+3 bonus workouts
To be better at shooting, you need to be a good athlete and avoid injury. Therefore, we offer you 2 free workouts aimed at the development of athleticism and protection from ankle injuries.

+ 2 conditioning workouts
+ injury prevention workout
How the program looks like?
There are downloadable files that you can print out for use in training or just view them on your phone or computer. Each exercise is accompained by a video clip with the participation of a professional player
Who is this made for?
Our basketball workout kits are suitable for self training. You can perform them on the court in person or with a coach in order to accelerate your development in basketball.
If you are a trainer and want to impore the quality and variety of your workouts, then our programs will help! A large number of different drills, selected by professionals, will accelerate the development process of your players!
If you want to help your child develop in basketball, perform better, variable and interesting drills compiled by professional coavhes, then you can use our workouts!
Hurry up! You have limited offer!
+10 exclusive workouts on the development of shots 90+ drills for the development of three-point shots, midrange shots, free throws and other types of shots in basketball
+ video of all exercises, with the participation of a professional players
+ suitable for a basketball gym or for an outdoor playground
+ without special equipment
+ shooting workouts performed NBA stars
+ ready-made workouts on the development of shots take it and do it
Offer expires soon
+10 exclusive workouts on the development of shots
90+ drills for the development of three-point shots,
midrange shots, free throws and other types
of shots in basketball
+ video of all exercises, with the participation
of a professional players
+ suitable for a basketball gym or for an
+ without special equipment
+ shooting workouts performed NBA stars
+ ready-made workouts on the development
of shots take it and do it
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+1 (302) 498-83-67
Level Up Basket Corporation, 1209 North
Orange St., Wilmington, Delaware 19801,
United States
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